Saturday, October 24, 2009

Links revision...

Some links were changed and specially several Informix related blogs were added. It's really nice to see new Informix related sites and authors publishing info. In particular I'm very glad to add several Brazilian sites. This is really important for the Portuguese speaking audience. The links added are:
  • Advanced DataTools
    This was a big miss. Lester Knutsen is probably the most noticeable element of this IBM Partner who just recently organized another edition of the Fastest Informix DBA contest
  • IMartins Tudo Sobre Informix
    A Brazilian site with articles and information related to IBM Informix
  • AskPontes
    A blog from my Brazilian colleague Vagner Pontes
  • InformixBr
    Another blog from another Brazilian colleague Pedro HT Rodrigues
  • Informix DBA
    A blog from the well known Andrew Ford, a member of the International Informix Users Group board of directors
  • Informix Tips
    A blog from Jeff Filippi from Integrated Data Consulting
  • Informix Administrators Blog
    A blog from Markus Holzbauer, a German colleague and a long time Informix user (started on v4... same as me)
So, as you can see I've been away from a lot of new activity. I hope I've recovered the gap. If you have any info about any Informix related site that I should list, please don't hesitate to leave a comment or send me an email.

Friday, October 2, 2009

IDS Roadshow em Lisboa

This post regards an IDS Roadshow in Lisbon, so it will be written in Portuguese.
A IBM vai realizar o IDS Roadshow 2009 em Lisboa nos dias 13, 14 e 15 de Outubro.
O evento terá lugar nas instalações da IBM em Lisboa (IBM Forum Lisboa) o parque das nações.
A agenda do evento inclui:

  1. Últimas funcionalidades na versão 11.50
  2. IDS Data Warehouse ( Technical hands-on)
  3. Storage Compression ( Technical hands-on)
  4. Open Admin Tool
  5. Enterprise Replication
  6. Solid DB/Change Data Capture

A participação é gratuita, sendo os lugares limitados. Para se inscrever envie um email para, referindo o evento.

A apresentação estará a meu cargo.